Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A-day +9 Stewart to Dease Lake, BC

We spent the night in Stewart, BC, and parked with this as the view out our back window. Beautiful. And the view in front was just as wonderful. We got a small rain shower during the night and Doug and I suspect it snowed on the mountain tops nearby as the tops were so pristinely white this morning.

After breakfast, we drove about 1.5 miles to cross the Canadian/US border into the town of Hyder, AK. We drove in, didn't see any signs of life (at 8:30 am) and came right back into Canada. The Canadian officer at the border said that was the quickest tour of Alaska she had ever seen. You can see from this picture what a poor excuse for a town we offer. What you see in this picture is pretty much what you get.

I told you we were expecting beautiful scenery on the highway. How about this? I've got about 50 more pictures just as beautiful.

This is Bear Glacier on the road to Dease Lake from Stewart. Man was it cold. Graceyn, can you see what Mimi is holding?

Having a great time. Great drive today and Doug is cooking supper. Woohoo! Posted by Picasa


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